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Hand Sanitizers

Stop The Spread Of Cold & Flu


Fluctuating temperatures throughout the winter months brings with it more colds and flu.  Have you noticed that the colds going around currently seem to be lingering around much longer than usual?  Why not stop germs in their tracks before they enter your building by adding hand sanitizer dispensers at entrances and throughout the premises?  The hands are one of the most frequent transmission routes for types of infections.  Therefore, practicing proper hand hygiene is the easiest way to help reduce infections. 


Swan provides both hand sanitizer dispensers and stands.  Plus, the hand sanitizer re-fills free!  You only have to pay for the rental of the dispenser and stand.  Every two weeks, our Customer Service Representative will stop by and replenish the dispensers.  Order in the month of December and receive one month’s free service. 


Please see our video below for more information.  



Autumn Roe at 2:23 PM
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Name: Autumn Roe
Posts: 38
Last Post: February 23, 2023
Diane Williamson
Name: Diane Williamson
Posts: 26
Last Post: July 19, 2018

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